- Pelican Rapids School District 548
- Distance Learning-PRHS
Distance Learning-PRHS
High school teachers will be communicating with their students using email, google classroom and Zoom. Please have your child check their school email account for more specific information from their teachers (instructions below).
Student access to school email account
PRHS Attendance
PRHS Students: Attendance will be taken WEEKLY. You will get your attendance survey every Wednesday and you need to fill it out by Friday. This survey is mandatory, thank you for your cooperation J
Please fill out this attendance form for the week of 5/12/2020-5/15/2020:
Weekly Update (emailed by Mrs. Siebels to students on 5-14-20)
Registration: Students in grades 7-11 have received information via email from me with details on registering for classes for next year. You need to complete your registration form by 3 PM on Friday May 15th. This is tomorrow! You will fill out the registration form for the grade you will be in next year. For more information, refer back to the email on Registration and watch my YouTube videos.
Handbook link: https://www.pelicanrapids.k12.mn.us/domain/169
Attendance: Last week! Please be sure to complete the weekly attendance form that gets sent out on Wednesdays. A new link is sent EVERY week. It is mandatory and you will be marked unexcused if you don’t complete it. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLRy_qDUQIvj9-flXfNtP4N1YfkkmFZUq0olshCEoKhpcwYA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Grades: Please review the email I sent two weeks ago that details your grading options for quarter 4/semester 2. Remember, you need to let your teachers know only if you want a P/F. You don’t need to tell me, you need to tell them. If you do not let them know, you will receive a letter grade.
Skyward: Grades are posted on Skyward. If you need your Skyward info, send me an email and I’ll send you your info.
Homework Pick Up/Drop Off: Homework drop-off is tomorrow between 8 AM and 3 PM. PRHS west parking lot. If you are completing homework via paper copies, you need to turn it in TOMORROW!
Technology Help: If you need help with technology, fill out a help ticket. https://www.pelicanrapids.k12.mn.us/Page/2731
Counselor Check In: As always, I am here to help you. I am available to call, text, email, Zoom, FaceTime…you name it J Email me or fill out my “Check In” form and I will do my best to help!
Cap and Gown Distribution:
Cap and Gown distribution will be on Friday, May 15th 8:00AM – 2:30PM in the west parking lot of the high school. Students will be given a cap, gown and tassel. Any students who will wear honor cords for the ceremony will receive them as well. Remember to follow social distancing guidelines when getting your cap and gown. In order to help us limit the number of people around at one time, please try to stick to the following schedule for graduation gown pick-up.
- Students with last names beginning A-F: 8:00AM - 9:30AM
- Students with last names beginning G-K: 9:30AM - 11:00AM
- Students with last names beginning L-P: 11:00AM - 12:30PM
- Students with last names beginning Q-Z: 1:00PM - 2:30PM
End of Year Important Dates:
Friday, May 15th ~
- Paper Copies Drop Off (Grades 7-12) @ High School Door 1 8:00am-3:00pm
- Last Day for new learning and assignments
- Graduation Cap and Gown between 8 AM and 2:30 PM (see details above)
Monday, May 18th ~ Quarter 4 Grades & Semester 2 Grades
- Quarter 4 Grades & Semester 2 Grades posted by 10:00pm
Wednesday, May 20th
~ Collection of Devices/Books K-12
- Details to come next week
~ Student Pass/Fail Requests due at 3:00pm
- Student MUST notify individual teacher if they are opting in to the pass/fail option
Have a great day! Miss you all <3
Mrs. Siebels
Teacher office hours and contact information
Click here for PRHS teacher contact information (email and phone)