• SADD is an inclusive organization, welcoming all youth who seek support for healthy and safe development. It is a respectful organization that invites active youth participation and expects youth leadership. Youth voices will be sought out, respected, strengthened, shared, and affirmed. SADD will endorse this approach at all levels of the organization (local, state, and national) and will encourage others to also incorporate this approach.

    Get Involved: For more information about SADD or if you would like to sign up contact Mrs. Korf You will be asked to sign the SADD Contract as a commitment.

  • The SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) group at PRHS turned regular corn hole boards into a "Ghostbusters" themed game for the Boo Bash event hosted by Lake Region Electric on October 31.  

  • SADD Advisor

    Ms. Amy Korf

    2024-25 SADD Officers

    President: Charlie Larson & Brody Syverson
    Vice President: Maclain Hovland
    Secretary: Yoselyn Urbano
    Treasurer: Hazel Haugrud

    Class Representatives

    Grade 12
    Sarah Haugrud
    Hamda Ibrahim
    Kendall Krueger-Pierce
    Ashlea Matykiewicz
    Hanan Mohamed
    Anna Roisum
    Mariah Weishair
    Grade 11
    Hani Bashir
    Ally Birger
    Dylan Hoadley
    Maclain Hovland
    Ifrah Khalif
    Morgan Korf
    Hannah Nelson
    Kendra Ross
    Amy Tanguma
    Allie Thompson
    Ashley Zavala
    Grade 10
    Peyton Borgen
    Emma Hanson
    Bricker Haugrud
    Hayden Haugrud
    Arianna Hovland
    Nicholas Rockstead
    John Stubbs
    Miren Thomas
    Maddyx Vondra
    Grade 9
    Jessica Martinez
    Nazareth Tanguma
    Grade 8
    Grade 7