• Pelican Rapids School District 548 COVID-19 Plan 2021-2022

    Updated 9-22-21: Please view changes in the Health Screening and Quarantine section (in orange).
    These plans are subject to change pending recommendations from Otter Tail County Public Health, as well as new state and/or federal mandates.


    • School will be in-person with regular start and end times for each building.  
      • Pelican Rapids High School: 7:55am-3:25pm 
      • Viking Elementary School: 7:45am-3:15pm

    Face Coverings

    • Per guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) face coverings are recommended for those who are vaccinated and not vaccinated.
    • Students will need to have face coverings, as they are still required while on the school bus per federal mandates regarding public transportation. Effective February 25, 2022, CDC no longer requires mask wearing on school busses or vehicles; we will follow these guidelines.
    • Masks will be available for staff, students & visitors. 

    Social Distancing

    • Staff will work hard to maintain the minimum 3-foot social distancing but 6 feet is best practice.

    Health Screening and Quarantine

    • Self-screening for symptoms of illness will be required. If you are ill, stay home and report your symptoms to the school nurse. 
    • Schools are mandated to report any positive COVID-19 cases to the MDH
    • Students and staff with confirmed cases of COVID-19 will be asked to isolate for 10 days based on recommendations from MDH
    • Students who are close contacts will have the option to either:
      1. Remain in the classroom and wear a mask for 14 days OR
      2. Quarantine at home for 14 days (excused absences)
    • Household close contacts will be required to quarantine
    • Vaccinated individuals will not be required to quarantine


    • Pelican Rapids School District 548 is not requiring COVID-19 Vaccinations for students, staff, volunteers, or visitors.

    Good Hygiene 

    • Students will continue to be encouraged to practice good hygiene by washing their hands with soap and water during bathroom breaks and before meals and snacks.
    • Hand sanitizer will continue to be available in each classroom as well as throughout the buildings. 

    Food Service/Meals 

    • The Pelican Rapids School District 548 has established material and food procedures that meet the requirements of the MDH, Food and Drug Administration, and the MDE. 
      • Pelican Rapids High School - Students will eat lunch and breakfast in the commons area.
      • Viking Elementary School - Students will eat breakfast in their classrooms and all students will eat lunch in the cafeteria. 


    • Cleaning protocols will continue to support mitigation of COVID-19. Drinking fountains and water refills stations will be open for the students.


    • HVAC systems will be running at maximum capacity to ensure high airflow and air quality. 

    Accommodations for Special Education

    • Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies and procedures will be provided. Parents/guardians should contact their child’s case manager to inquire about accommodations. 

    Mental Health 

    • The Pelican Rapids School System acknowledges mental health is an important piece in achieving educational goals. We want to remind our school family about the following resources:
      • Pelican Rapids School District contracts with LSS of MN for the Minnesota School Linked Mental Health program (https://mn.gov/dhs/assets/school-linked-mental-health_tcm1053-333534.pdf). 
        • This program allows three mental health professionals to work with eligible students within the school. If you know a student who might benefit from services or have questions about the program, please reach out to Jordan Solheim (Jordan.solheim@lssmn.org) or Lindsey Ness (lindsey.ness@lssmn.org).
      • Pelican Rapids High School Counselor is Lauren Siebels (lsiebels@vikes.us) or 218-863-5910.
      • The Ottertail County Crisis Mental Health Unit is available all day, every day, 24/7, for individuals having a psychiatric or mental health crisis. Simply dial 1-800-223-4512. 
      • The Crisis Text Line is a free statewide suicide prevention service available anytime and anywhere in Minnesota. Text MN to 741741 to receive crisis counseling and connections to local community resources.

    Family or Student Concerns

    • Any students or parents who have concerns about the learning model should contact the building principal to set up a meeting with the building principal and COVID-19 Coordinator.

    Communications of Changes to Opening Plan

    • Any changes made to the plan will be communicated to staff, students, and families via email, instant alert, district website, and social media (Facebook/Twitter).