• What are a couple of ways that parents can help their children be successful not only in school but in life? Research shows that one of the biggest things that parents can do for their children is to read to them every day starting at birth. A few of the benefits of reading to your child are that it helps develop their language skills, exposes them to new words, and helps you connect with your child.

    The second area that parents can help their child is to make sure that they are getting the proper amount of sleep each night. Each day we see several students that have trouble completing the daily routine, because they are too tired. Elementary students should sleep for 9-12 hours per night.

    The last thing that parents can do to help their child is to make sure that they are in school. Students who have better attendance also do much better in school than students who miss more days of school. If your child is sick please keep them at home, otherwise students need to be in school to help them achieve their maximum potential.

    Parent teacher conferences are coming up on February 17 from 12:00-6:00pm. Teachers sent out a Calendly invite in early February for parents to sign up. Last fall we had 95% of parents show up for conferences. Great job parents
    and THANK YOU for taking the time to come in for conferences.

    The staff at Viking Elementary would also like to thank everyone for keeping our students safe before school and after school by not driving in front of the school when the buses are at the school. The buses drop off students between
    8:00-8:10am and pick up students at 3:00-3:10pm. If you are dropping off or picking up students between these times, please use the parking lot south of Viking Elementary located by the baseball field. Preschool parents are reminded to please park in the parking lot when dropping off students or picking them up. If you need to enter the building, please do not park and leave your vehicle in the driveway.

  • Derrick Nelson
    Viking Elementary Principal
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